Standing orders for specialty lab tests, such as Prothrombin Time (PT) International Normalized Ratio (INR), repeat visits, and glucose testing are integral components of patient care. This type of testing allows the patient to receive the prompt care they need while reducing the number of visits they must make to their doctor’s office. With this proactive approach, a physician can set up laboratory testing parameters that will allow them to monitor their patient’s health without having to see them in person each time.
Standing Orders (PT/INR)
The PT INR test is used as a blood-clotting assessment, which measures the length of time it takes a person’s blood to clot. It is typically utilized by individuals who are receiving anticoagulation therapy or taking anti-platelet medications such as aspirin for risk management or stroke prevention. The results of these tests provide valuable information about how well the medication is working and how much needs to be adjusted accordingly.
Daily, weekly, Bi-Weekly, Monthly/ Repeat Visits, Glucose Testing
Are you a patient who requires frequent testing? Are you looking for a clinic that can provide the most accurate glucose readings? If so, then specialty labs are the perfect solution. Specialty labs offer daily, weekly, bi-weekly and monthly repeat visits to ensure that patients receive the best possible care when it comes to their glucose levels.
Specialty lab tests provide a comprehensive range of services tailored specifically to the individual’s needs. These include detailed analysis of glucose levels in order to identify any potential problems or irregularities that could lead to further complications down the road. The technicians at specialty labs also use cutting-edge technology and specialized devices such as glucometers which allow them to quickly and accurately measure glucose levels with minimal discomfort or disruption for patients.